Uncovered is a ground-breaking magazine dedicated to dismantling the stereotypes surrounding individuals with tattoos. Our mission is to celebrate the rich tapestry of stories, artistry, and cultures that tattoos represent. Through insightful features, interviews, reviews, and expert advice, we aim to showcase the diverse and vibrant community of inked individuals who break boundaries and challenge societal norms. Battling tattoo magazine conventions and acting as a disruptor to this genre.


The masthead is very straight to the point but also stands out against traditional and conventional tattoo magazines. Conventional tattoo magazines tend to use typefaces that are heavily used in tattoo designs. Here we wanted the masthead to stand out but also not to draw attention away from the imagery in the cover. After all this magazine is focussing more on the designs and artistry. 


Moving away from the conventional explicit covers of tattoo magazines, the front cover creates a sense of mystery and the imagery plays with the masthead where you have to open the magazine to ‘uncover’ who is on the front. Putting the masthead vertically instead of horizontally is another disrupting element as the genre has a large sum of tattoo magazines where their mastheads are positioned at the top and centre of the cover. By doing this, the cover is able to stand out and look unique versus or compared to other tattoo magazines.


The idea is for this magazine to be produced quarterly every year. To differentiate the covers the imagery changes and so does the colour. This colour will be used through each issue to help with navigation. What is unique about these covers and can be claimed as an art piece themselves is that they act as a possible piece if all issues have been collected.


The images used in this magazine has to fit the aesthetic of ‘Uncovered’ as well help tell the stories within articles exhibited in each issues. Images shown in each issue are primarily close-ups or portraits of various different styles of tattooing. Varying the different styles of tattoos allows the target audience to embrace the multi-cultural aspects seen in the artwork. Here are some examples:

We thought it was vital to have a presence in social media, more specifically through the use of Instagram. This primarily due to the fact that this is the main platform where tattoo artists exhibit their designs. Having a platform that is familiar to the industry could boost interactions and promote the message Uncovered is trying to express.

To remain consistent with the magazine, similar images were used acting as a reflection to the content.


The website needed to reflect the magazine as this would act as the main hub into finding out information and stories to do with ‘Uncovered’ but to also be the catalyst into the amount of issues that are purchased. All design elements from the magazine have been adopted in way to best suit a website.

The ‘Shop’ page would be the main way in which the magazine would be purchased. A simple approach to this would ensure the target audience can easily navigate through purchasing. Having merchandise promotes the branding and messaging of Uncovered as well as increase loyalty.


Project Six


Project Eight